WebPageTest LIVE! Meet Scott Jehl, the author of Lightning-Fast Web Performance

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We are excited to announce that we just launched Lightning-Fast Web Performance course by Scott Jehl, our Senior Developer Experience Engineer! It is a free online course where you can learn to analyze site performance, fix issues, monitor for regressions, and deliver fast, responsive designs from the start.

Join this WebPageTest LIVE! session with Scott Jehl to learn the stories behind the course and ask any questions! 

Pls follow us on Twitter and Twitch for the most recent event updates: Twitter and Twitch

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Record on
September 22, 2022


Scott Jehl
Sr. DevEx Engineering​
Henri Helvetica​
Head of Community

WebPageTest LIVE! Meet Scott Jehl, the author of Lightning-Fast Web Performance

Event Description

We are excited to announce that we just launched Lightning-Fast Web Performance course by Scott Jehl, our Senior Developer Experience Engineer! It is a free online course where you can learn to analyze site performance, fix issues, monitor for regressions, and deliver fast, responsive designs from the start.

Join this WebPageTest LIVE! session with Scott Jehl to learn the stories behind the course and ask any questions! 

Pls follow us on Twitter and Twitch for the most recent event updates: Twitter and Twitch

Sign up for a FREE WebPageTest account and start profiling

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Website Performance

Sign up for a FREE WebPageTest account and start testing!


Scott Jehl
Sr. DevEx Engineering​
Henri Helvetica​
Head of Community