WebPageTest LIVE! Auditing E-Commerce w/ Erwin Hofman

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For this episode of WebPageTest LIVE!, we are joined by long time consultant, and WebPageTest user Erwin Hofman. He shares with us his typical auditing workflow in handling e-commerce sites, and what he has seen in his experience some of the challenges in this space.

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Follow Erwin Hofman: https://twitter.com/blue2blond

Follow Erwin Hofman: https://www.linkedin.com/in/erwinhofman/

Follow Henri Helvetica: https://twitter.com/HenriHelvetica

Interested in setting up a meetup?? Let us know:https://forms.office.com/r/p97hUmC0pe

Would like to submit an audit?: https://bit.ly/wpt-submission

Performance Now: https://perfnow.nl

Record on
July 28, 2022


Henri Helvetica​
Head of Community
Erwin Hofman
sitespeed consultant

WebPageTest LIVE! Auditing E-Commerce w/ Erwin Hofman

Event Description

For this episode of WebPageTest LIVE!, we are joined by long time consultant, and WebPageTest user Erwin Hofman. He shares with us his typical auditing workflow in handling e-commerce sites, and what he has seen in his experience some of the challenges in this space.

Pls follow us on Twitter and Twitch for the most recent event updates: Twitter and Twitch

Sign up for a FREE WebPageTest account and start profiling.

Follow Erwin Hofman: https://twitter.com/blue2blond

Follow Erwin Hofman: https://www.linkedin.com/in/erwinhofman/

Follow Henri Helvetica: https://twitter.com/HenriHelvetica

Interested in setting up a meetup?? Let us know:https://forms.office.com/r/p97hUmC0pe

Would like to submit an audit?: https://bit.ly/wpt-submission

Performance Now: https://perfnow.nl

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Henri Helvetica​
Head of Community
Erwin Hofman
sitespeed consultant